Introductory to Sport Climbing

Introductory Sport Climbing is a great choice for those wanting to get outside and into sport climbing.

We cover all the essentials and give you the opportunity to learn about safety, equipment and tactics required for sport climbing.

What you will learn.

  • How to choose the right route for you.

  • Understanding the different grading systems

  • What gear you need for out door sport climbing.

  • Belaying, and how it is different to in the gym. How to clip and thread various lower offs.

  • Top rope and lead climbing.

  • Special climbing skills for sport climbing.

  • On-sight and red-point, what it means and how to do it.

  • Training tips for sport climbing.

  • How to move up the grades What’s involved?

Duration: 1/2 to 1 day

Experience Level: 1-4

Dates: On demand, all 4 seasons

Location: Hobart Area

Price 1/2 Day: 1 person $450, 2 or more people $250 p/p

Price Full Day: 1 person $550, 2 or more people $300 p/p

Note: We can take larger groups.




Freycinet Rock Climbing